Monday, December 13, 2010

I Don't Need Your Stinking Rules

Rule Number One for Office Etiquette

At work, never bring and eat onions in any form unless it is in your interests to make your colleagues question the potency of their own body odor.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Man

When word of this video came across our desks, we simply couldn't resist posting it for all to see. President Obama is, without a doubt, The Man.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Google Turns 12

It's that time of year again, folks. That's right, Google, the internet's dominating search engine, has turned twelve years old. Incorporated in 1998 (although the company was started just a bit earlier), Google has been, and continues to be one of the most inspirational, influential, and oddly philanthropic corporations on the face of the globe.

Google marks its birthday today with a google doodle, a tradition started when founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page decided to attend the burning man festival in the summer of 1998. They posted the doodle as a precaution. In the event the site went down, they wanted everyone to know why no one was answering the phones. Today's doodle, by 89-year old Wayne Thiebaud, is a simple one featuring a birthday cake and candle with the name Google written on its icing.

Being collectively composed of optimists and pessimists (but mostly pessimist), we here at Nom Nom Zombies saw more than just a friendly, happy, celebratory cake doodle. Is it just us, or is that cake just a bit too tall? And that shadow just a bit too dark? And if there's only one candle, where's the shadow coming from anyway? Yep, Google has officially declared their ambitions to take over the world.

But we're okay with it. After all, they gave us Gmail.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Clean Your Balls

AXE, the company famous for bringing the late 20th century business model 'Sex Sells' to an all new level, has just released a new commercial advertising the effectiveness of their new AXE Detailer. Although the humorous nature of their play on words is clear, we can't help but feel like we may need to visit a priest after watching it. We here at Nom Nom Zombies commend AXE for their bold approach to marketing and applaud their use of comedic sex appeal in advertising, but feel compelled to say, "What?" after watching this spot.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Horseshoe Ringer

For those of you who may have thought that the book burning fad had died out after the nation wide comic book burning of 1948, you'll be surprised to learn the radical method of protest is still alive and well today. Pastor Terry Jones of Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida has pledged to host a book burning this Saturday on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks. At this burning, Pastor Jones will ignite a pile of more than two dozen Qurans in order to "send a message to the radical element of Islam" that our country won't stand for their intolerance.

Maybe we'll have a fetus burning next and send a message to all those pro-choice liberals. That'll show 'em.

.... god damn this country sucks.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Left For Dead

This is a photograph of a photograph of a storefront after the Katrina disaster in New Orleans. The photograph was held in front of the storefront today to create a past and present overlay. Interesting, right? Not until you read the scrawled messages on the walls =).

It's composed of 3 messages. The first reads:
"Don't try, I am sleeping inside with a big dog, an ugly woman, two shotguns, and a claw hammer."

The second message is illegible, but the final message reads:
"Still here. Woman left Friday. Cooking a pot of dog gumbo."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Take Your Medicine

A Walgreen's in Hudson, New Hampshire is being criticized for handing out prescription pill bottles full of candy to kids at a local festival. Parents are concerned that their children will make the connection between prescription pill bottles and the smarties they contained and try to eat the pills in their parents medicine cabinets at home.

At the very least, Walgreen's should be commended for their bold approach to population control.
